Link to published content: /accounts/rendered_texts/114/normal/page_1.html

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Text language: Mandarin
Annotation language: Icelandic
Created by: Bra***
Summary: Xiaolin, a 21-year-old university student from Beijing with a passion for learning languages, moved to Reykjavik, Iceland to study Icelandic. She immerses herself daily in the language and culture, enjoys the seaside, and has formed a surprising friendship with an Icelandic man named Olavur, who shares her interest in cultural exchange and has a surprising knowledge of Chinese, which enhances her learning experience and sense of belonging.
Length in words: 247
Author: Bra***
Voice: google_cmn-CN_cmn-CN-Wavenet-C (segments), google_cmn-CN_default (words)
Difficulty Level: B1


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