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Goldilocks and the Three Bears" is a classic fairy tale that has been passed down through several generations.🔊
The story begins in a deep, quiet forest where a family of three bears lives in a cozy, little house.🔊 There is Papa Bear, Mama Bear and Baby Bear, each having their own bed and chair, and, most importantly, their own bowl of porridge.🔊 One morning, they make their porridge, but find it too hot to eat.🔊 So, they decide to take a walk in the forest while they wait for it to cool down.🔊

Meanwhile, a curious little girl named Goldilocks stumbles upon their house.🔊
Finding the door ajar, she goes in and sees the three bowls of porridge.🔊 She tastes the porridge from Papa Bear’s bowl but finds it too hot.🔊 Next, she tries Mama Bear’s porridge but finds it too cold.🔊 Finally, she tastes Baby Bear’s porridge and finds it just right, and ends up eating it all.🔊 After eating, she explores the house further, trying out the chairs and beds, and ends up breaking Baby Bear’s chair and falling asleep in his bed.🔊

The bears return from their walk and are surprised to find their house in disarray.🔊
Baby Bear is the most upsethis porridge has been eaten, his chair broken, and there's someone sleeping in his bed!🔊 The commotion wakes Goldilocks up, and she is scared to see the three bears staring at her.🔊 She quickly jumps out of the window and runs away, never to return again.🔊 It’s a story often told to caution children about the consequences of entering other people's homes without permission.🔊