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In a whimsical turn of events, a mischievous raccoon in Toronto took the city's public transportation system by storm.🔊
The rambunctious critter was spotted hitching a ride on a subway during the peak hours of Monday morning, much to the surprise and delight of fellow commuters.🔊

The furry freeloader, now dubbed 'Rocket Raccoon', first caught the public's eye when it sauntered onto a train at Bloor-Yonge station.🔊
As bemused passengers looked on, the critter casually nestled atop a subway car seat, seemingly unconcerned by the hustle and bustle around it.🔊

Amid the morning rush, amused commuters captured the curious scene on camera and uploaded their photos onto social media.🔊
The hashtag '#RocketRaccoon' quickly became a trending topic on Twitter, making the raccoon an overnight sensation.🔊

Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) staff, however, were left scratching their heads over this unusual passenger.🔊
While they were not equipped to deal with wayward wildlife, they were forced to halt the subway service temporarily until animal control could intervene.🔊

The raccoon was safely removed and returned to its natural habitat without any incident.🔊
Despite the brief disruption, many Toronto residents saw the funny side.🔊 TTC released a statement noting that while they appreciate the enthusiasm for the city's public transport, riders should indeed be a little more human.🔊

In the end, Rocket Raccoon's unplanned subway adventure became a source of laughter and diversion for the usually bustling city.🔊
The story serves as a charming reminder that sometimes nature has its way of reminding us to have a little fun on our daily commute.