"Ode to Vegemite: An Exaltation of an Earthly Delight" p. 2/3

Oh🔊 ye🔊 nectar🔊 of🔊 the🔊 gods🔊, in🔊 earthen🔊 jars🔊 confined🔊,
Thine🔊 savory🔊 essence🔊, Vegemite🔊, in🔊 gold🔊 should🔊 be🔊 enshrined🔊.
Upon🔊 Olympus'🔊 lofty🔊 heights🔊, amidst🔊 ambrosial🔊 feasts🔊,
Should🔊 sit🔊 this🔊 brew🔊 of🔊 um🔊ami🔊, spread🔊 at🔊 divine🔊 repasts🔊.

Mortals🔊, lament🔊 your🔊 lowly🔊 fate🔊, for🔊 Zeus🔊 in🔊 wisdom🔊 great🔊,
Hath🔊 deemed🔊 thee🔊 unworthy🔊 of🔊 the🔊 spread🔊 that🔊 graces🔊 his🔊 plate🔊.
Yet🔊 in🔊 his🔊 mercy🔊, to🔊 the🔊 Earth🔊, this🔊 treasure🔊 he🔊 did🔊 cast🔊,
That🔊 men🔊 might🔊 taste🔊 a🔊 hint🔊 of🔊 heaven🔊, in🔊 each🔊 yeasty🔊 repast🔊.

Ambrosia🔊, that🔊 golden🔊 delight🔊, to🔊 Vegemite🔊 must🔊 yield🔊,
For🔊 no🔊 ambrosial🔊 fruit🔊 or🔊 dish🔊 such🔊 satisfaction🔊 sealed🔊.
This🔊 spread🔊, though🔊 black🔊 as🔊 Hades'🔊 heart🔊, brings🔊 joy🔊 that's🔊 unequaled🔊,
Its🔊 potent🔊 magic🔊 in🔊 each🔊 bite🔊, by🔊 no🔊 other🔊 equaled🔊.

Apollo🔊s🔊 lyre🔊 would🔊 sing🔊 its🔊 praise🔊, and🔊 Hera🔊 might🔊 agree🔊,
To🔊 crown🔊 Vegemite🔊 above🔊 all🔊 foods🔊, for🔊 eternity🔊.
Athena's🔊 wisdom🔊 plainly🔊 shows🔊, its🔊 virtue's🔊 clear🔊 to🔊 see🔊,
It🔊 fortifies🔊 each🔊 mortal🔊 frame🔊, with🔊 B🔊 vitamins🔊 aplenty🔊.