"Ode to Vegemite: An Exaltation of an Earthly Delight" p. 3/3

Oh🔊 spread🔊 of🔊 spreads🔊, on🔊 toast🔊 arrayed🔊, with🔊 butter🔊 under🔊 cloak🔊,
Each🔊 morsel🔊 of🔊 thee🔊 I🔊 consume🔊, my🔊 taste🔊 buds🔊 to🔊 evoke🔊.
Should🔊 I🔊 ascend🔊 to🔊 Elysium🔊, my🔊 soul🔊 forever🔊 roam🔊,
I🔊'd🔊 plead🔊 for🔊 Vegemite🔊s🔊 delight🔊, 'bove🔊 in🔊 my🔊 celestial🔊 home🔊.

So🔊 mortals🔊, hoist🔊 your🔊 spoons🔊 aloft🔊, and🔊 gods🔊, look🔊 kindly🔊 down🔊,
On🔊 this🔊 transcendent🔊, savory🔊 fare🔊, that🔊 doth🔊 your🔊 heirlooms🔊 crown🔊.
For🔊 Vegemite🔊 belongs🔊 not🔊 to🔊 the🔊 realm🔊 where🔊 men🔊 do🔊 bide🔊,
But🔊 'pon🔊 Olympus'🔊 banquet🔊 hall🔊, right🔊 by🔊 ambrosia's🔊 side🔊.