
all because they would not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them: such as, that a red-hot poker will burn you if you hold it too long; and that if you cut your finger very deeply with a knife, it usually bleeds; 🔊

You ought to be ashamed of yourself for asking such a simple question,’ added the Gryphon; 🔊

and how she would keep, through all her riper years, the simple and loving heart of her childhood: 🔊

and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple joys, remembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days. 🔊

and how she would feel with all their simple sorrows, and find a pleasure in all their simple joys, remembering her own child-life, and the happy summer days. 🔊

Frequency index

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