
Alice knew it was the Rabbit coming to look for her, 🔊

Bills to go down-- 🔊

The Caterpillar was the first to speak. 🔊

Please, then,’ said Alice, ‘how am I to get in?’ 🔊

Are you to get in at all?’ said the Footman. ‘Thats the first question, you know.’ 🔊

But what am I to do?’ said Alice. 🔊

I quite agree with you,’ said the Duchess; ‘and the moral of that is--“Be what you would seem to be”-- 🔊

Would you like to see a little of it?’ said the Mock Turtle. 🔊

The reason is,’ said the Gryphon, ‘that they would go with the lobsters to the dance. 🔊

Write that down,’ the King said to the jury, 🔊

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