
Why, I hadn’t to bring but one; Bills got the other-- 🔊

Now, who did that?--It was Bill, I fancy-- 🔊

Bills to go down-- 🔊

Here, Bill! the master says youre to go down the chimney!’ 🔊

Oh! So Bills got to come down the chimney, has he?’ said Alice to herself. 🔊

then, saying to herselfThis is Bill,’ she gave one sharp kick, and waited to see what would happen next. 🔊

The first thing she heard was a general chorus ofThere goes Bill!’ 🔊

(‘Thats Bill,’ thought Alice,) 🔊

The poor little Lizard, Bill, was in the middle, being held up by two guinea-pigs, who were giving it something out of a bottle. 🔊

She did it so quickly that the poor little juror (it was Bill, the Lizard) could not make out at all what had become of it; 🔊

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