
and when she had tired herself out with trying, the poor little thing sat down and cried. 🔊

now Im opening out like the largest telescope that ever was! 🔊

but at last it unfolded its arms, took the hookah out of its mouth again, and said, ‘So you think youre changed, do you?’ 🔊

and in another moment it was out of sight. 🔊

She felt very curious to know what it was all about, and crept a little way out of the wood to listen. 🔊

I must go and get ready to play croquet with the Queen,’ and she hurried out of the room. 🔊

There was a table set out under a tree in front of the house, and the March Hare and the Hatter were having tea at it: 🔊

By the time she had caught the flamingo and brought it back, the fight was over, and both the hedgehogs were out of sight: 🔊

Then the Queen left off, quite out of breath, and said to Alice, ‘Have you seen the Mock Turtle yet?’ 🔊

‘--and just take his head off outside,’ the Queen added to one of the officers: but the Hatter was out of sight before the officer could get to the door. 🔊

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