
and, as she could not think of anything to say, she simply bowed, and took the thimble, looking as solemn as she could. 🔊

But Id better take him his fan and gloves--that is, if I can find them.’ 🔊

And so she went on, taking first one side and then the other, and making quite a conversation of it altogether; 🔊

but at last it unfolded its arms, took the hookah out of its mouth again, and said, ‘So you think youre changed, do you?’ 🔊

but she saw in another moment that it was addressed to the baby, and not to her, so she took courage, and went on again:-- 🔊

he had taken his watch out of his pocket, and was looking at it uneasily, shaking it every now and then, and holding it to his ear. 🔊

The Dormouse again took a minute or two to think about it, and then said, ‘It was a treacle-well.’ 🔊

Now, Ill manage better this time,’ she said to herself, and began by taking the little golden key, and unlocking the door that led into the garden. 🔊

The Duchess took her choice, and was gone in a moment. 🔊

Come on!’ cried the Gryphon, and, taking Alice by the hand, it hurried off, without waiting for the end of the song. 🔊

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