
Coming in a minute, nurse! But Ive got to see that the mouse doesn’t get out.” 🔊

but she got used to it in a few minutes, and began talking to herself, as usual. 🔊

Im never sure what Im going to be, from one minute to another! 🔊

For a minute or two she stood looking at the house, and wondering what to do next, 🔊

so that altogether, for the first minute or two, it was as much as she could do to hold it. 🔊

and after a minute or two she walked on in the direction in which the March Hare was said to live. 🔊

The Dormouse again took a minute or two to think about it, and then said, ‘It was a treacle-well.’ 🔊

however, they got settled down in a minute or two, and the game began. 🔊

Alice began to feel very uneasy: to be sure, she had not as yet had any dispute with the Queen, but she knew that it might happen any minute, ‘and then,’ thought she, ‘what would become of me? 🔊

it puzzled her very much at first, but, after watching it a minute or two, she made it out to be a grin, and she said to herselfIts the Cheshire Cat: now I shall have somebody to talk to.’ 🔊

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