
I must be Mabel after all, and I shall have to go and live in that poky little house, and have next to no toys to play with, and oh! ever so many lessons to learn! 🔊

Alice felt that this could not be denied, so she tried another question. ‘What sort of people live about here?’ 🔊

In that direction,’ the Cat said, waving its right paw round, ‘lives a Hatter: 🔊

and in that direction,’ waving the other paw, ‘lives a March Hare. 🔊

and after a minute or two she walked on in the direction in which the March Hare was said to live. 🔊

and their names were Elsie, Lacie, and Tillie; and they lived at the bottom of a well--’ 🔊

But why did they live at the bottom of a well?’ 🔊

Why did they live at the bottom of a well?’ 🔊

the balls were live hedgehogs, the mallets live flamingoes, and the soldiers had to double themselves up and to stand on their hands and feet, to make the arches. 🔊

You may not have lived much under the sea--’ (‘I haven’t,’ said Alice)--‘and perhaps you were never even introduced to a lobster--’ 🔊

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