
It was all very well to sayDrink me,’ but the wise little Alice was not going to do that in a hurry. 🔊

It was high time to go, for the pool was getting quite crowded with the birds and animals that had fallen into it: 🔊

What I was going to say,’ said the Dodo in an offended tone, ‘was, that the best thing to get us dry would be a Caucus-race.’ 🔊

How queer it seems,’ Alice said to herself, ‘to be going messages for a rabbit! 🔊

Im never sure what Im going to be, from one minute to another! 🔊

I think I may as well go in at once.’ And in she went. 🔊

Who are you talking to?’ said the King, going up to Alice, and looking at the Cats head with great curiosity. 🔊

The Duchess took her choice, and was gone in a moment. 🔊

The reason is,’ said the Gryphon, ‘that they would go with the lobsters to the dance. 🔊

I can’t go no lower,’ said the Hatter: ‘Im on the floor, as it is.’ 🔊

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