
Its a Cheshire cat,’ said the Duchess, ‘and thats why. 🔊

I didn’t know that Cheshire cats always grinned; in fact, I didn’t know that cats could grin.’ 🔊

and was just saying to herself, ‘if one only knew the right way to change them--’ when she was a little startled by seeing the Cheshire Cat sitting on a bough of a tree a few yards off. 🔊

Cheshire Puss,’ she began, rather timidly, as she did not at all know whether it would like the name: however, it only grinned a little wider. 🔊

it puzzled her very much at first, but, after watching it a minute or two, she made it out to be a grin, and she said to herselfIts the Cheshire Cat: now I shall have somebody to talk to.’ 🔊

Its a friend of mine--a Cheshire Cat,’ said Alice: ‘allow me to introduce it.’ 🔊

When she got back to the Cheshire Cat, she was surprised to find quite a large crowd collected round it: 🔊

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