
and she was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size: 🔊

(she was so much surprised, that for the moment she quite forgot how to speak good English); 🔊

As she said this she looked down at her hands, and was surprised to see that she had put on one of the Rabbits little white kid gloves while she was talking. 🔊

How surprised hell be when he finds out who I am! 🔊

Alice noticed with some surprise that the pebbles were all turning into little cakes as they lay on the floor, and a bright idea came into her head. 🔊

Alice was not much surprised at this, she was getting so used to queer things happening. 🔊

How should I know?’ said Alice, surprised at her own courage. ‘Its no business of mine.’ 🔊

When she got back to the Cheshire Cat, she was surprised to find quite a large crowd collected round it: 🔊

Wouldn’t it really?’ said Alice in a tone of great surprise. 🔊

Imagine her surprise, when the White Rabbit read out, at the top of his shrill little voice, the nameAlice!’ 🔊

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