
Im sure Im not Ada,’ she said, ‘for her hair goes in such long ringlets, and mine doesn’t go in ringlets at all; 🔊

Mine is a long and a sad tale!’ said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing. 🔊

Which is just the case with mine,’ said the Hatter. 🔊

How should I know?’ said Alice, surprised at her own courage. ‘Its no business of mine.’ 🔊

and I should have croqueted the Queens hedgehog just now, only it ran away when it saw mine coming!’ 🔊

Its a friend of mine--a Cheshire Cat,’ said Alice: ‘allow me to introduce it.’ 🔊

Of course it is,’ said the Duchess, who seemed ready to agree to everything that Alice said; ‘theres a large mustard-mine near here. 🔊

And the moral of that is--“The more there is of mine, the less there is of yours.”’ 🔊

It isn’t mine,’ said the Hatter. 🔊

They all returned from him to you, Though they were mine before. 🔊

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