
Mine is a long and a sad tale!’ said the Mouse, turning to Alice, and sighing. 🔊

What a pity it wouldn’t stay!’ sighed the Lory, as soon as it was quite out of sight; 🔊

Yes, thats it,’ said the Hatter with a sigh: ‘its always tea-time, and weve no time to wash the things between whiles.’ 🔊

They had not gone far before they saw the Mock Turtle in the distance, sitting sad and lonely on a little ledge of rock, and, as they came nearer, Alice could hear him sighing as if his heart would break. 🔊

Once,’ said the Mock Turtle at last, with a deep sigh, ‘I was a real Turtle.’ 🔊

I couldn’t afford to learn it.’ said the Mock Turtle with a sigh. ‘I only took the regular course.’ 🔊

I never went to him,’ the Mock Turtle said with a sigh: ‘he taught Laughing and Grief, they used to say.’ 🔊

So he did, so he did,’ said the Gryphon, sighing in his turn; and both creatures hid their faces in their paws. 🔊

The Mock Turtle sighed deeply, and drew the back of one flapper across his eyes. 🔊

The Mock Turtle sighed deeply, and began, in a voice sometimes choked with sobs, to sing this:-- 🔊

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