
And she thought of herself, ‘I wish the creatures wouldn’t be so easily offended!’ 🔊

Its really dreadful,’ she muttered to herself, ‘the way all the creatures argue. 🔊

Alice caught the baby with some difficulty, as it was a queer-shaped little creature, and held out its arms and legs in all directions, 🔊

Alice was just beginning to think to herself, ‘Now, what am I to do with this creature when I get it home?’ when it grunted again, so violently, that she looked down into its face in some alarm. 🔊

Alice did not quite like the look of the creature, but on the whole she thought it would be quite as safe to stay with it as to go after that savage Queen: so she waited. 🔊

and the two creatures, who had been jumping about like mad things all this time, sat down again very sadly and quietly, and looked at Alice. 🔊

She was a little nervous about it just at first, the two creatures got so close to her, one on each side, and opened their eyes and mouths so very wide, but she gained courage as she went on. 🔊

How the creatures order one about, and make one repeat lessons!’ thought Alice; ‘I might as well be at school at once.’ 🔊

And thats the jury-box,’ thought Alice, ‘and those twelve creatures,’ (she was obliged to saycreatures,’ you see, because some of them were animals, and some were birds,) ‘I suppose they are the jurors.’ 🔊

And thats the jury-box,’ thought Alice, ‘and those twelve creatures,’ (she was obliged to saycreatures,’ you see, because some of them were animals, and some were birds,) ‘I suppose they are the jurors.’ 🔊

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