
Of the mushroom,’ said the Caterpillar, just as if she had asked it aloud; 🔊

It turned into a pig,’ Alice quietly said, just as if it had come back in a natural way. 🔊

You might just as well say thatI see what I eatis the same thing asI eat what I see”!’ 🔊

You might just as well say,’ added the March Hare, ‘thatI like what I getis the same thing asI get what I like”!’ 🔊

Just as she said this, she noticed that one of the trees had a door leading right into it. 🔊

and just as she came up to them she heard one of them say, ‘Look out now, Five! 🔊

I can’t tell you just now what the moral of that is, but I shall remember it in a bit.’ 🔊

Chorus again!’ cried the Gryphon, and the Mock Turtle had just begun to repeat it, when a cry ofThe trials beginning!’ was heard in the distance. 🔊

(As that is rather a hard word, I will just explain to you how it was done. 🔊

‘--and just take his head off outside,’ the Queen added to one of the officers: but the Hatter was out of sight before the officer could get to the door. 🔊

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