Youll get used to it in time,’ said the Caterpillar; 🔊 and it put the

hookah into its mouth and began smoking again. 🔊


This time Alice waited patiently until it chose to speak again. 🔊 In

a minute or two the Caterpillar took the hookah out of its mouth

and yawned once or twice, and shook itself. 🔊 Then it got down off the

mushroom, and crawled away in the grass, merely remarking as it went,

One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you

grow shorter.’ 🔊


One side of what? The other side of what?’ thought Alice to herself. 🔊


Of the mushroom,’ said the Caterpillar, just as if she had asked it

aloud; 🔊 and in another moment it was out of sight. 🔊


Alice remained looking thoughtfully at the mushroom for a minute, trying

to make out which were the two sides of it; and as it was perfectly

round, she found this a very difficult question. 🔊 However, at last she

stretched her arms round it as far as they would go, and broke off a bit

of the edge with each hand. 🔊


And now which is which?’ she said to herself, and nibbled a little of

the right-hand bit to try the effect: 🔊 the next moment she felt a violent

blow underneath her chin: it had struck her foot! 🔊