
however, they got settled down in a minute or two, and the game began. 🔊

and, as the doubled-up soldiers were always getting up and walking off to other parts of the ground, Alice soon came to the conclusion that it was a very difficult game indeed. 🔊

In another minute the whole head appeared, and then Alice put down her flamingo, and began an account of the game, feeling very glad she had someone to listen to her. 🔊

Just then she noticed that the Queen was close behind her, listening: so she went on, ‘--likely to win, that its hardly worth while finishing the game.’ 🔊

Alice thought she might as well go back, and see how the game was going on, as she heard the Queens voice in the distance, screaming with passion. 🔊

as the game was in such confusion that she never knew whether it was her turn or not. 🔊

so the King and the executioner ran wildly up and down looking for it, while the rest of the party went back to the game. 🔊

The games going on rather better now,’ she said, by way of keeping up the conversation a little. 🔊

Lets go on with the game,’ the Queen said to Alice; and Alice was too much frightened to say a word, but slowly followed her back to the croquet-ground. 🔊

Thats enough about lessons,’ the Gryphon interrupted in a very decided tone: ‘tell her something about the games now.’ 🔊

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