
Alice led the way, and the whole party swam to the shore. 🔊

They were indeed a queer-looking party that assembled on the bank-- 🔊

First it marked out a race-course, in a sort of circle, (‘the exact shape doesn’t matter,’ it said,) and then all the party were placed along the course, here and there. 🔊

Why, she, of course,’ said the Dodo, pointing to Alice with one finger; and the whole party at once crowded round her, calling out in a confused way, ‘Prizes! Prizes!’ 🔊

This speech caused a remarkable sensation among the party. Some of the birds hurried off at once: 🔊

CHAPTER VII. A Mad Tea-Party 🔊

and the party sat silent for a minute, while Alice thought over all she could remember about ravens and writing-desks, which wasn’t much. 🔊

At any rate Ill never go there again!’ said Alice as she picked her way through the wood. ‘Its the stupidest tea-party I ever was at in all my life!’ 🔊

(It was this last remark that had made the whole party look so grave and anxious.) 🔊

so the King and the executioner ran wildly up and down looking for it, while the rest of the party went back to the game. 🔊

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