
Ill fetch the executioner myself,’ said the King eagerly, and he hurried off. 🔊

there was a dispute going on between the executioner, the King, and the Queen, who were all talking at once, while all the rest were quite silent, and looked very uncomfortable. 🔊

The executioners argument was, that you couldn’t cut off a head unless there was a body to cut it off from: 🔊

Shes in prison,’ the Queen said to the executioner: ‘fetch her here.’ And the executioner went off like an arrow. 🔊

Shes in prison,’ the Queen said to the executioner: ‘fetch her here.’ And the executioner went off like an arrow. 🔊

so the King and the executioner ran wildly up and down looking for it, while the rest of the party went back to the game. 🔊

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