
It was much pleasanter at home,’ thought poor Alice, ‘when one wasn’t always growing larger and smaller, and being ordered about by mice and rabbits. 🔊

Then it wasn’t very civil of you to offer it,’ said Alice angrily. 🔊

It wasn’t very civil of you to sit down without being invited,’ said the March Hare. 🔊

and the party sat silent for a minute, while Alice thought over all she could remember about ravens and writing-desks, which wasn’t much. 🔊

I wasn’t asleep,’ he said in a hoarse, feeble voice: ‘I heard every word you fellows were saying.’ 🔊

that he had never had to do such a thing before, and he wasn’t going to begin at his time of life. 🔊

The Queens argument was, that if something wasn’t done about it in less than no time shed have everybody executed, all round. 🔊

The master was an old Turtle--we used to call him Tortoise--’ ‘Why did you call him Tortoise, if he wasn’t one?’ Alice asked. 🔊

Ah! then yours wasn’t a really good school,’ said the Mock Turtle in a tone of great relief. 🔊

If any one of them can explain it,’ said Alice, (she had grown so large in the last few minutes that she wasn’t a bit afraid of interrupting him,) ‘Ill give him sixpence. 🔊

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