
But its no use now,’ thought poor Alice, ‘to pretend to be two people! Why, theres hardly enough of me left to make one respectable person!’ Soon her eye fell on a little glass box that was lying under the table: 🔊

Why, theres hardly room for you, and no room at all for any lesson-books!’ 🔊

Well, I hardly know-- 🔊

Hardly knowing what she did, she picked up a little bit of stick, and held it out to the puppy; 🔊

You are old,’ said the youth, ‘one would hardly suppose That your eye was as steady as ever; 🔊

While the Duchess sang the second verse of the song, she kept tossing the baby violently up and down, and the poor little thing howled so, that Alice could hardly hear the words:-- 🔊

Well, Id hardly finished the first verse,’ said the Hatter, 🔊

Just then she noticed that the Queen was close behind her, listening: so she went on, ‘--likely to win, that its hardly worth while finishing the game.’ 🔊

However, she got up, and began to repeat it, but her head was so full of the Lobster Quadrille, that she hardly knew what she was saying, and the words came very queer indeed:-- 🔊

I wish you wouldn’t squeeze so.’ said the Dormouse, who was sitting next to her. ‘I can hardly breathe.’ 🔊

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