Give your evidence,’ said the King; ‘and don’t be nervous, or Ill have

you executed on the spot.’ 🔊


This did not seem to encourage the witness at all: he kept shifting

from one foot to the other, looking uneasily at the Queen, 🔊 and in

his confusion he bit a large piece out of his teacup instead of the

bread-and-butter. 🔊


Just at this moment Alice felt a very curious sensation, which puzzled

her a good deal until she made out what it was: 🔊 she was beginning to

grow larger again, and she thought at first she would get up and leave

the court; 🔊 but on second thoughts she decided to remain where she was as

long as there was room for her. 🔊


I wish you wouldn’t squeeze so.’ said the Dormouse, who was sitting

next to her. ‘I can hardly breathe.’ 🔊


I can’t help it,’ said Alice very meekly: ‘Im growing.’ 🔊


Youve no right to grow here,’ said the Dormouse. 🔊