
Please come back and finish your story!’ Alice called after it; and the others all joined in chorus, ‘Yes, please do!’ but the Mouse only shook its head impatiently, and walked a little quicker. 🔊

and she looked up eagerly, half hoping that the Mouse had changed his mind, and was coming back to finish his story. 🔊

A likely story indeed!’ said the Pigeon in a tone of the deepest contempt. 🔊

Im getting tired of this. I vote the young lady tells us a story.’ 🔊

Tell us a story!’ said the March Hare. 🔊

and the Dormouse sulkily remarked, ‘If you can’t be civil, youd better finish the story for yourself.’ 🔊

CHAPTER IX. The Mock Turtles Story 🔊

Alice was very nearly getting up and saying, ‘Thank you, sir, for your interesting story,’ but she could not help thinking there must be more to come, so she sat still and said nothing. 🔊

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