
This is the driest thing I know. Silence all round, if you please! 🔊

There was a long silence after this, and Alice could only hear whispers now and then; 🔊

There was a dead silence instantly, and Alice thought to herself, ‘I wonder what they will do next! 🔊

Ill put a stop to this,’ she said to herself, and shouted out, ‘Youd better not do that again!’ which produced another dead silence. 🔊

The Caterpillar and Alice looked at each other for some time in silence: 🔊

It is wrong from beginning to end,’ said the Caterpillar decidedly, and there was silence for some minutes. 🔊

The poor little thing sobbed again (or grunted, it was impossible to say which), and they went on for some while in silence. 🔊

The Hatter was the first to break the silence. ‘What day of the month is it?’ he said, turning to Alice: 🔊

but she stopped hastily, for the White Rabbit cried out, ‘Silence in the court!’ and the King put on his spectacles and looked anxiously round, to make out who was talking. 🔊

Then the words don’t fit you,’ said the King, looking round the court with a smile. There was a dead silence. 🔊

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